« Become surrounded by dozens of free-flying birds! »
Watch a firework-like display of colours!

In the dazzling decor of the bird tropical greenhouse, discover many species of exotic birds. Let yourself be whisked away by their enchanting songs and the wonderful bouquets of feathers that are on display within this extraordinary ecosystem, created at Beauval.

The rhinoceros hornbill’s peculiar prancing
A bird with a spring in its step!
Although it has large wings with a wingspan of about 1.50 m, the rhinoceros hornbill rarely flies. Living up in the canopy amongst the trees of the South East Asian jungle, this giant prefers to hop from branch to branch, only using its wings to glide and to steer itself.
Mammals in the bird greenhouse?

Meet amazing animals in the tropical jungle!
Nicobar pigeons, giant hornbills, turacos, crested partridges, and other birds are not the only inhabitants of this magnificent tropical greenhouse! If you look carefully, you will spot our pair of sloths hiding in the trees. Hairy armadillos and mouse-deer will also be waiting for you further ahead!
Built in 1994
450 birds, some of which roam free in the greenhouse
2000 m²
Beauval Nature builds artificial nests for hornbills in Borneo
Hornbills build their nests in tree trunk hollows and therefore depend on large trees. The conversion of forests to palm groves for palm oil production therefore decreases the number of available nesting sites.
In collaboration with the HUTAN association, the Beauval Nature association supports a project to protect hornbills in Borneo. The project’s objectives are: to study the quality of the habitat; to identify areas that are conducive to foraging and reproduction; and to install artificial nests to encourage hornbill reproduction.

Do your part for conservation!
Sponsor an animal!
Becoming an animal sponsor allows you to form a strong relationship with your favourite animal whilst financing the conservation programmes supported by the Beauval Nature association. All money paid is allocated in full to the association and is then invested into one of the many species conservation programmes it supports around the world.

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