« An extraordinary view of Beauval’s hippos! »
Dive into the hippo pool

Pass through the doors of The Hippopotamus Reserve and become immersed in a truly breath-taking environment! Red river hogs, nyalas, and many species of birds live together in peace and harmony within this incredible space. Behold the aquatic dance of the hippos in their fabulous 1000 m3 glass tank.

The dance of the hippos
Kiwi and Kvido the hippos put on quite a show! Come and see them dance underwater thanks to a facility with incredible underwater viewing. Dive down deep into The Hippopotamus Reserve…
Giant yet surprisingly agile
The most dangerous animals in Africa!
Don’t be fooled by their clumsy appearance on land! Hippos are capable of charging at speeds of just under 20 mph. Yet, when they are in the water, these huge mammals move with surprising grace! Come and observe them bouncing around the bottom of the pool during feeding time to see just how agile they are!
An impressive animal reserve at the very heart of Beauval

Set off on an expedition into African territory
The ZooParc de Beauval’s hippopotamus reserve leads you into an open-air reserve. Once inside, an extraordinary building allows you to enjoy the stunning scenery on 3 different levels, whilst hundreds of birds take flight overhead.
3 levels for observing the animals
More than 100 birds
44 m viewing window
1 1,000 m3 pool
The Beauval Nature association
For the past 15 years, the Beauval Nature association has joined forces with field workers to support them in their primary mission of species conservation. Beauval works closely with numerous conservation and research programmes around the world to study and protect endangered species. This everyday action takes place in order to protect our biodiversity.

Do your part for conservation!
Sponsor an animal!
Becoming an animal sponsor allows you to form a strong relationship with your favourite animal whilst financing the conservation programmes supported by the Beauval Nature association. All money paid is allocated in full to the association and is then invested into one of the many species conservation programmes it supports around the world.

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Staying in the area for lunch?

Le Kilimandjaro
Near the bird show area, Le Kilimanjaro restaurant offers burgers, fish and chips, nuggets, salads, drinks, and desserts.