« The male lion has a powerful voice, which he will readily make heard! »
The undisputed king!
And yet he does the least work…
The lion’s charisma and majestic appearance has earned it the moniker of king of the animals. This great predator watches over his territory and his court, consisting of lionesses and their young, just like a real monarch. It is these females that do most of the hunting, supplying the group with food. These daring hunters quietly surround their chosen prey. Some will allow themselves to be seen whilst others lie in wait, just a few dozen metres or so from their quarry. They then converge on their target by charging at speeds of 25 to 40 mph!

Did you know?
Its all action with the lions!
Introducing lion cubs
In this episode of “Un Œil en Coulisse”, find out how our lion cubs were introduced to the rest of the lion family. An eventful encounter!
Beauval Nature fights to defend the African lion
In 2011, the PANTHERA association evaluated the status of endangered species in the Niokolo-Koba park in Senegal. The findings were alarming: due to the many pressures (illegal artisanal mining, poaching, bush fires, etc.) that affect this biosphere reserve, the lions’ situation in the park was disturbing.
This is why Beauval Nature supports the PANTHERA association in order to fight against these pressures and preserve this endangered species. This fight includes the establishment of surveillance programmes and forest guard patrols, amongst other things.

Sponsor our African lions
Establish a strong bond with your favourite animal whilst supporting conservation programmes through the Beauval Nature association!
Learn more about the species
Gestation period
Litter size
What is the lion’s mane for?
Roaring with pleasure
Sleeping like a lion

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