« The chimpanzee’s resourcefulness never ceases to amaze! »
One of the most ingenious primates
Both an engineer and an inventor
A distant cousin of humans, the chimpanzee shares many similarities with us. It is, for example, one of the few primates to make and use tools to find food. When catching termites, chimpanzees will search for a suitable twig, removes the leaves, and then stick the twig into the termites’ nest. When it comes out again, the twig is covered with delicious termites and all that remains to do is eat them. This is certainly not the only tool that has been mastered by these primates. Researchers have so far identified 39 different ways in which tools are used, which are passed down from generation to generation.

Did you know?
Welcome N’Sakà!
Un Œil en Coulisse - Season 5 Episode 17
The « Un Œil en Coulisse » camera takes you to the chimpanzees: watch their feeding and observe N’Sakà, the baby chimpanzee, born in May 2021, who is gripping his mother Domi!
Beauval Nature supports the protection of western chimpanzees
In Senegal, the population of western chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus), a “critically endangered” subspecies, is estimated to include only 500 individuals.
Fragmentation and loss of habitat as well as a decline in food resources are contributing to the decline of the populations of this species. The Jane Goodall Institute has developed and implemented a community conservation and chimpanzee research programme. Eco-guards will be trained to use SMART ecological monitoring software in order to collect important biological and ecological data on the chimpanzees.

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Learn more about the species
Gestation period
Litter size
A highly organised social life
The pharmacist of the forest
A real omnivore!

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