« No animal has a body as towering or extraordinary as that of the giraffe! »
To live happily, live together
Solidarity is at the group’s core
The giraffe is a very social animal, living in groups of 5 to 6 individuals in the African savannah. Community living enables predators to be spotted and their attacks to be defended against, but in the case of the giraffe, this is not the only advantage… When a female gives birth to a calf, the whole group will take care of it and protect it, especially during times when the mother is less available; for example, when she heads to the nearest water hole. A sort of nursery may therefore take shape, with a few females taking care of all the new-borns within the group.

Did you know?
Slender giraffes!
Gaining height!
Head to our African Savannah to see the group of giraffes! One of the most emblematic species in Africa but unfortunately classified as “endangered” by the IUCN.
Beauval Nature supports the monitoring of giraffes
The giraffe, one of the most charismatic species in Africa, suffered a drastic population decline at the start of the 21st century.
This species is threatened by illegal hunting and agricultural development due to population growth in Africa. The Giraffe Conservation Foundation, with the support of Beauval Nature, works to develop monitoring programmes that are provided by government organisations.
The programme aims to study giraffes in their natural environment by fitting them with radio collars in order to study their movement, social interactions, and ecology.

Sponsor our giraffes
Establish a strong bond with your favourite animal whilst supporting conservation programmes through the Beauval Nature association!
Learn more about the species
Gestation period
Litter size
Kimia, Beauval’s first giraffe calf
A “high” profile birth
An extraordinary body

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